Sell Used IT Equipments Now!
IT Asset Disposition

How to Ensure Your ITAD Program Maximizes the Value of Your Retired IT Assets

When you want to dispose of your unwanted IT assets,

Never Sell them at Scrap Price, because by doing this You are Adding them to E-waste which is 70% Toxic Waste.

Instead, each of these assets has a good resale value. By arranging to dispose of your retired IT assets through an experienced ITAD partner, you can maximize their value during their disposal and realize a considerable amount of money out of your unwanted IT assets. If your ITAD partner is a resourceful entity with access to different types of used equipment market in the IT assets industry, they can easily find good buyers for your retired equipment and help you get the best value for all your unwanted IT Assets.

The ITAD Company working for you must be able to find ready markets for your unwanted equipment, thus reducing the need to send them to recycling, leading to improper disposal and denying the opportunity to realize the best value for your Assets. The information below will help you understand how the ITAD program should work and the factors that decide your retired IT assets’ resale value.


How You Can Get The Best Pricing?

Because pricing should always be enticing:

The entire IT Assets can be easily repurposed and sold in the used equipment market as there exists a great need and market for all types of used IT equipment. Unless your Company regulations prohibit the IT equipment’s selling with hard disks and other data storage devices, they can fetch you a good price in the used equipment market. When your ITAD partner assures you 100% data security and data wiping from hard disks and other data storage devices, they need not be destroyed and pulverized to be dumped in a landfill.

Usually, IT assets like hard disks and other data storage are in demand and help you realize a higher price for them. When you have a good ITAD partner like StarPc Excess working for you, you will be surprised to find the amount of money you can realize out of the sale of the retired IT Assets. All you need to do is to follow a structured process while disposing of your IT Assets.


The Process For Valuation Of Retired Assets

1. Identification Of Assets

The first stage of the ITAD process starts with identifying the assets that have become obsolete and unwanted for your IT infrastructure. After they are identified, you can call in your ITAD Company and, with their help, segregate the IT assets that need special care and attention regarding Data security and data safety. Usually, the IT equipment with hard disks and other data storage devices will come under this category.

In case of other equipment that does not have any data storage, they can be sent out straight away through your ITAD Company for disposal. In case of other equipment with data, you follow your company procedure as per your ITAD planning. Your ITAD Company can take them into possession as per the agreed terms of dealing with the data contained in them.

2. Assess The IT Equipment To Be Disposed

Once the equipment disposed of are segregated, now your ITAD company conducts a thorough assessment of the equipment regarding the residuary life remaining in each of the equipment, the condition of the equipment, the brand of the equipment, and other relevant factors that will determine the value that can be realized out of the equipment.

If you have engaged a good ITAD company like StarPc Excess, this process will be done in a truly transparent manner in such a way that the equipment can be sold for the best possible price in the market.

They dispose of your assets by following a streamlined program so that the equipment reaches the right hands for their use so that your equipment is not thrown away but put to the best use and at the same time help you get the best price for your IT equipment.

Objectives Of The Assessment Process

Your ITAD Company conducts the assessment process with the following objectives of

  • Proper valuation depending on the factors that determine the price in the used equipment market
  • Using a Transparent process to arrive at the right price for your IT assets to be disposed of
  • Arrive at the Maximized value for the Assets by helping them reach the right segment of the used equipment market so that they are repurposed and reused rather than resorting to recycling
  • Conducting the Inventory audit for categorizing your IT assets as per your ITAD policy followed in your company
  • Portfolio analysis for proper categorization of the assets and finding the right market for your assets
  • Direct buy-out, trade-in, consignment movement of different types of assets for proper disposal with the right safeguards for data security and data safety

Thus, your ITAD company can take care of your entire ITAD process with the sole aim of proper and scientific disposal of the assets by following a structured step-by-step process to minimize your risk and maximizing your returns on your disposed IT assets.

StarPc Excess being one of the longest players in the ITAD industry assures you the best returns on your unwanted IT assets by carrying out.

  • Inventory Audits
  • Portfolio Analysis
  • Implementing all options for the directly Buy out
  • Utilizing all opportunities for the trade-in of IT Assets etc.

While doing the inventory audit, all the available assets marked for disposal are deeply audited to plan for effective disposal for realizing better returns to your Company.

Your ITAD has to see that you get the advantage of getting every cent of value for each of the assets you want to dispose of. As the valuation of the assets is done at the individual component level, you can expect to get the best available return for the disposed of assets.

Transparency And Good Pricing

To ensure the security of the IT assets during transport, a full and detailed listing of all the components with their make, model, serial/ ID number is prepared and submitted to you. This list is verified at the point of landing, and the arrival of each one of the components is assured.

As the value of the assets depends on the value of the individual components contained in the asset, your ITAD company has to focus more on the individual sub-component to get the best available Fair Market Value ( FMV) price for each of the components in your asset marked for disposal. While arriving at the prices for the assets, real market data that is collected through market intelligence must be used.

Transparency in the transactions helps you receive the best value for your assets, and this your ITAD partner should provide all the details of the inputs they use to arrive at the Fair Market value for each of the assets by providing information regarding

  • FMV of the Asset against its current net book value
  • FMV against the OEM trade-in offers available at the time of disposal
  • Residual valuations for those assets that are under lease transactions
  • Value of the Property tax and related statutory charges
  • Charges towards M&A planning
  • Valuation based on the Asset recovery analysis etc.

Though it is possible to adopt different approaches to the remarketing of retired IT assets, most of the ITAD companies use a combination of direct and wholesale channels to get the best price in the market.


Influencing Factors That Give You The Best Price

Apart from the market conditions that determine the value you can realize for the assets; you can influence the market conditions in your favor by

  • Shortening your refresh cycle and selling the IT assets for the best value as the resale value steadily decreases with the age of the asset
  • The right maintenance and presenting them in good condition to the market: the IT assets should not be damaged or left in total neglect so that your ITAD partner need not do extensive servicing before presenting them to the market
  • Never delay to send them to the market: Send the assets to your ITAD company as soon as they are removed from active service so that they can be sold without any loss of time.
  • Brand of the assets matters while selling them in the market, so it is important to go for the best-known brands while purchasing, even if you have to pay little more during your original purchase
  • When data security and regulations allow hard disk wiping and not for hard disk destruction, it is usually IT assets with hard drives sell for more than others that do not have it.
  • Unlock your devices and disable any passwords or other security controls active on the devices before selling them in the market
  • Always present the assets with all the accessories and components necessary to operate them, and this always gets you a higher price than the assets that need another component to be purchased to make them work

Thus, by adopting the above steps in the standard operating procedure of your ITAD Company, you can easily hope to get the best available price for your retired assets when you have an experienced and well-known name in the ITAD industry like StarPc Excess. you need not have to worry about getting the best price for your retired IT Assets. Connect with our resale experts today & let us guide you to attain the best returns on your retired IT assets.

Relevant Resources:

Find Places to Sell your Old Computer Parts and get back its Current Worth (Part 2)

ITAD Transparency: How to ensure that your E-waste Is Properly Recycled

manjot singh

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